Check beIN STREAM box price on WhatsApp , go to the main menu and select’ About beIN STREAM’.
Archives: FAQs
What is the price of beIN STREAM package ?
Check beIN STREAM package price on WhatsApp , go to the main menu and select’ About beIN STREAM’.
Is there a commitment when subscribing to beIN STREAM ?
No, there is no contract and no commitment. You pay whenever you want to access beIN STREAM exclusive channels.
What happens if I don’t recharge my subscription ?
Once your subscription expires, you will lose access to the live TV channels and on-demand content until you recharge your account. However, your VOD account balance will remain unaffected.
Can I use my beIN Stream box abroad?
No, your beIN STREAM box is only authorized for use in the country where you originally purchased it. Attempting to use it elsewhere will result in restricted content access.
I have a beIN receiver can I have a beIN STREAM package ?
No, you need to purchase a beIN STREAM box to subscribe to beIN STREAM package
Can I upgrade into another beIN package ?
beIN STREAM box cannot be used with another package other than beIN STREAM package.To get beIN package, you should subscribe to beIN separately . Find more information here.
How can I subscribe to beIN STREAM ?
To subscribe to beIN STREAM , please visit the nearest beIN store/ dealers. You can find here the list of the beIN shops . The adress of beIN dealers can be found here
How can I recharge my account ?
To recharge your account :
1- Click here to access beIN STREAM WhatsApp channel
2-Follow the instructions
3.Select: Recharge your account
How can I rent / buy movies and series on beIN STREAM ?
To rent or purchase movies/series on beIN STREAM you need to top up your VOD wallet.
You can at anytime consult the balance of your VOD wallet by clicking on the menu button on beIN STREAM remote control and selecting ‘My account’.
To top up your VOD wallet, please click here and follow the instructions